• Question: How many artificial satellites are there in space and do you believe that extra terrestrial beings exist?

    Asked by haydenb to Kevin, Katie, Jon, Floris, Delma, Adrian on 7 Jan 2016.
    • Photo: Adrianos Golemis

      Adrianos Golemis answered on 7 Jan 2016:

      There are a *lot* of artificial satellites in space, not sure how many, but maybe too many! There is a debate lately about deorbiting every satellite that is no longer usual as if you just keep it up forever it becomes a risk to other objects you might launch to the same orbit. These inactive satellites are called “space junk”. Naturally we have a lot of active ones too – but those we need 🙂

      I believe extra terrestrial life is probable, especially since lately we discover that there are many planets around other stars too! So nothing is certain but i think the odds are that maybe life exists somewhere else (albeit maybe very far away) too!

    • Photo: Katie Hassell

      Katie Hassell answered on 12 Jan 2016:

      There are thousands of man made satellites in space, with more going up each year. Not all satellites will stay on space, those near Earth are crash landed, with a lot of it burning up as it passes through the atmosphere.
